Friday, September 29, 2017



The current 7th house Jupiter is transiting to your 8 th house thereby becomes Ashtama Guru (8th house Jupiter). Our treatise reveals that the 8th house Jupiter is not a favourable one. But it is not applicable to Meena birth sign.

Because Jupiter is the sign lord of Meenam and moreover it is now transiting to another benefic planet Venus’s house. Certainly that is the inimical sign for Jupiter. But since the benefic side is strong, you will not have any bad outcomes out of it.

It is quite natural that any one will worry about the 8th house Jupiter. But the fact is when a benefic planet occupies the malefic house that will only pave way for good future and will not give disturbance asmalefic planets. If you understand this then there is no need for any fear.

Truly there are thousands of variances between the outcomes as‘Saturn in 8 th house’ and ‘Jupiter in 8th house’. At the same time, the 8th house represents changes and hence Meena birth sign people during this Jupiter transit will have ample of changes throughout this period. These changes will put them in better position than the present one.

Yet another vital point to be mentioned is, after Jupiter transit, on October 24th Saturn transit is taking place. Saturn enters into the 10thhouse, the Jeevanasthana. Saturn’s previous position in 9th house blocked the fortunate events to you and hence this transit to 10th house is undeniably a good one. Hence from any angle,Meena birth sign people will not have any negative outcomes and instead it will be a better one.

During this period,Meena birth sign people will have ideal changes for their future betterment. Normally you hesitate and pause a lot in the same place without any movement. These transits of planets will make you to come out of burrow, for your improved future.

At the moment it seems to be unpleasant, but later on you will understand it is only god’s grace and it is for your improvement and progress.

The present period will lay the foundationto lead an enjoyable and happy life in future. Hence you should accept whole heartedly, the changes you are going to get from this transit.

There will not be any disturbance in your work place. Your subordinates will cooperate. Your superiors will be adjustable. The halted increment or promotion will be given to you.

The government workers will be profited because of this Jupiter transit. In particular, the empowered officials like ministers, police and judicial officials will be much benefitted in this period.

Employees in public related jobs, politicians and workers in public life will have boosted benefits in this period. The politicians will get powerful post now. Since Jupiter occupies the Venus’s house, the workers in cinema field, T.V. and print media will not have any disturbance and rather will have more welfare.

You will get income out of travelling. There are chances of long distance tours and abroad trip. Overseas job seekers will get the offer now. Those who are in abroad will be much benefitted now. The long awaited citizenship will be ensured now. They will get the chance to visit India to meet their parents. Harmony will prevail at the place where they are.

The workers in private sectors and industries will have difference of opinion with the management. There is possibility for sudden check and supervision by the management through CCTV or detective persons hence you should be cautious.

The self-employees, traders, skilled self-employees and business people will have better benefits in this period. The self-employees will get regular orders. Partners will cooperate. Cash flow will not be affected.

Traders will have good business. There will not be any more threat from competitors. The debts will be in control. The farmers will have nature’s support now. The farmers who have money crop will have more benefits.

This Jupiter transit will be worthy to the ladies. You will be proud of your children. The bond between husband and wife will be better. There will not be any disruption in work place. Your husband and children will heed your word. You can accomplish the good occasions in the family. The working women will have respect and pleasure in the work place.

In family when one person raises the voice, the other person should be cool and humble so that you can solve any problem. Moreover when a lady is sensible, then there will not be any complication in the family.

You will go for pilgrimage. You will visit the places where saints and acharyas lived and thereby you will be blessed. Some will have northern tours like Kaashi, gayarishikesh and other temples. You will get the grace of gurus and acharyas.

Those who did not worship their family deity for a long time should worship at the moment. Our siddhas stand is very clear. They say one can have plenty of desired gods but should not forget or stop worshipping family deity.

The present worries about son and daughter will be over and now you will feel happy about them.

The sign lord takes position in 8th house Dhursthana, hence you should strive hard to succeed anything and success will not be an easy one. Sometimes you will have fear of losing and hence you will be frustrated. Hence do proper analysis before doing anything.

Jupiter strengthens the houses where it aspects rather than where it is. Accordingly your 12th, 2nd and 4th houses are strengthened with Jupiter’s aspect.

Jupiter’s aspect to 12th house will surely cause too many expenses but at the same time, you will also get equal income. It is true that if you have enough money your partial problems are solved so that you need not worry about your difficulties.

You will buy household articles now. You will buy articles like fridge, T.V. washing machine, mobile phone etc., to some people ornaments and articles accumulation will be there. You can save for children.

Your 2nd house, the wealth house has Jupiter’s aspect and hence this house is much strengthened now. The unresolved and long pending real estate transaction will be finalised and you will get your due share out of it. There isnothing to worry about cash flow and free funds transaction will be there. You can keep up your words now.

Jupiter’s aspect to your 4th house will ensure you house, vehicle, mother’s wellness, your comforts and higher education. The present hindrance in buying a house will be cleared and now there is possibility for buying house, plot or at least a flat in apartment.

You will change your present vehicle with new one. Those who do not have any vehicle will buy a new one now. Mother’s support will be there. Maternal relatives will help you.

Gambling, race and other betting will not yield any benefits now. Speculation and share market may give small income at the beginning but at the end it will give you heavy loss and hence avoid it abruptly.

Avoid unnecessary arguments. Never antagonise anybody. There may be encumbrance by relatives.
In total this Jupiter transit might give drift and changes to you but everything will be for the development of your future.

Pariharam :Meena birth sign people 1.should adhere fasting on Thursday to lord Dhakshinamoorthy, 2.worship him on every Thursday, 3.Visit alangudi temple, PorurEaswarantemple, Thiruchendhurmurugan temple on your birth star day so that Jupiter will give you all good benefits.

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