Friday, September 29, 2017



The current Jupiter from 8th house (Dhursthanam) is moving to the 9th house and from there Jupiter will aspect your birth sign. Hence this transit is heightened one. This Jupiter transit will bring enhanced benefits and favourable results.

Throughout this period, the youngsters will have improved benefits. The young people will have positive trends in education, job, marriage and the pleasure of having child birth.

To be precise, after Jupiter transit, few weeks later, Saturn transit is taking place. This Saturn transit will bring all yoga benefits and will be a very lucky one to the Kumba birth sign people. Hence the current sluggishness will be replaced with vivacity. Hereafter the life will be very fortunate.

Most vital and yearly transiting planets are in favourable position. Hence this is the time for achieving the goal. Every Kumba birth sign people can achieve their long pending ambition in this period.

After this Jupiter’s transit, you will feel like a fresh new person. Your prestige and status will go up now. You will be treated with respect by others. You will be very lucky and things will happen as you wish. If any Kumba birth sign people have yoga Dhasa/Bukthi as per their birth chart now, then they destine to reach dizzy heights at this period.

The present job, profession and business competition, rivalries, jealous and impediments will be cleared now. The current unpleasant situation in workplace will not be there anymore.

The present financial crunch will vanish now and hence even small effort will fetch you high yield. This is the period for getting things done, as you have thought, planned and dreamt of. Your mind and body will be energetic and enthusiastic.

Those who were devoid of suitable job will get good job withdecent salary. Those who were in financial crisis for business and investment will get easy funds now and thereby they can expand their business.

Who were denied of promotion will get the same now. Your pending arrears will be cleared now. Your hostile manager will be changed with a friendly understandable new manager.

Self-employees will gain momentum in business. They will get more income now. Traders will see success in every move. Rivalries will vanish. It is the Ideal time for taking new dealership. It is the precise time for business expansion and starting new branches.

Those who are under the suspension will join duty now. Those who are in verge of leaving the job will change their mind now because of smooth atmosphere. Those who have already resigned the job will find suitable good job. Temporary employees will get confirmation order now.

Youngsters will not have any more depression or disappointment. This Jupiter transit will not only give them the yoga benefits, but also will clear the current confused stage, work disturbance and misfortunes.

Kumba people will succeed in competitive exams like civil service, group 1 and other bank exams. Those who have already written and waiting for the result will get job without any difficulty. Politicians will come to the powerful post now.

New friend’s acquaintance will be there. You will get new contacts. Some may identify their better-half now. Those who kept distance from you will now come close to you. Henceforth your life will be in upward trend.

Many things which were eluding you for a long time, will now, by god’s grace, come to you without any effort. Because of free cash flow, the financial crisis will be over and you will have peacefulness in family.

The long pending and delayed marriage will be fixed now and positive occasions will happen in the family. The childless couple will be fortunate to become pregnant and thereby will make their parents to be happy.

Those who were in debts and litigations will be free from that and the debts will be in control now. Now you will avail housing loan.

Jupiter aspectsyour births sign 3rd house and 5th house. Jupiter strengthens these houses with its holy aspect.

Jupiter aspects your 3rd house, thereby your self-confidence and courage will increase and hence you can handle all the problems individually. The 3rd house represents siblings as well as help, support and assistance. Since this place gets Jupiter’s aspect, your siblings will be supportive and mutual help will be there. You will get your wife gold ornaments. You will buy jewels and house hold articles.

Jupiter strengthens your 5th house which signifies Progeny, Devine and Sacred things. Because of Jupiter’s aspect, you will be very blessed and prosperous. The long pending family deity worship and vows can be completed now. Parents will have pleasure for their children.

You will have benefits through children. The parents can do their duties to the children properly. The long cherished tour to the north Indian temples is possible now. You will visit the garden of remembrance (cemetery) of saints and get their grace. You will have interest in temple works. The traders who are doing business around the temples will have boosted benefits now.

The unresolved dealings or transactions will be finalised now in your favour. Unexpectedly you will get back the loan amount which you have written-off. Youreconomic crisis will be over. The encumbrance in ancestral property will be cleared and you will get your due share. The heir’s disputes will be solved amicably.

Who were suffering because of court case will have a turning point and everything will be in your favour. The obstacles in abroad trip will be over. The abroad job hunters will get good news. You will have the full support of your father. You will also get care from your father side relatives.

There is no need to say anything separately to Kumba birth sign ladies. You will be more focused in your husband and children’s welfare. At the outward, it seems like you are more selfish. When the housewives are more responsible, then there will not be any complications.

The working women will not have any problems at work place. They will get promotion as they wish.There is possibility forJoint family bifurcation and forming nuclear family. There is likelihood for misunderstanding with the in-laws and aunties (father’s siblings).

This is the beneficial period for farmers. They will get the reasonable rates for the yielding. The steel and iron related workers and all hard working labourers will have flourishing period now. Business people, artists, print and visual media workers, the operators and daily wagers will see good growth currently.

The difference of opinion between husband and wife will be over now. The present confusion because of 3rd person entry will be sorted out at the moment.

The people who are in public life, politicians will get honourable posts and they will have more powers now. The government and private sector employees will get extra income other than salary.

The misunderstanding between the partners will be over. The partnership firm will be profitable now. You will buy new luxury vehicle. You will get benefits from government. You will be enthusiastic. Others can easily notice your growth and changes.

To Kumba birth sign people, this Jupiter transit will be a new dawn and it will show you the bright way which is undoubtedly true.

Pariharam : To get more benefits from Jupiter, and to get his grace, on your birth star day or on any Thursday you shall feed an elephant by knowing its favourite food through mahout.

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