Friday, September 29, 2017



The current 9th place Jupiter is transiting to your 10 th house. Our basic astrology books establishes the statement that the 9th house Jupiter is beneficial than the 10 th house. Since 10th house being the quadrant house (Kendhrasthanam), it will give negative results and 9th house, being optimized house for Jupiter, it will be beneficial.

This Jupiter transit will cause obstacles, sluggishness in your profession and business. Moreover it will give you wandering and long tour. For makara people Jupiter is not the benefic planet. Now Jupiter occupies the Venus house. Venus is the benefic planet to Makara birth sign people and hence Jupiter’s disturbance will not be there.

After Jupiter transit, Saturn transit also takes place on Oct 24 th thereby Saturn starts its 7and half years grip to Makara birth sign. Thereby the present planets transition will create an unfavourable condition. Still, Saturn being the sign lord of Makaram will not give any ill effects.

This is the unlucky period for Makara people. Only hard work and perseverance will give you good results and hence you must strive hard to succeed. As Makara people do not hesitate for hard work you can very well be successful.

You must reduce your expenses. You must cut lavish expenses. If you promise anybody to help them, it will be difficult to keep up. The positive occasion in family might be delayed. Things will not happen as you wish or plan.

Any work can be done only after hectic efforts. So you must do everything in relaxed manner with proper scheduling. Because of confused stage you may take wrong decision. It will be wise to think twice before any move and consult the elders in the family and get their opinion.

The government and private sector employees should not antagonise their superiors. It is better to obey them. In workplace your haters may take advantage. You should understand that you are thoroughly watched. Avoid unnecessary talks and bad comments about your superiors.

As much as possible be straightforward. The government and private sector employees should not be greedy for extra income that comes out of the way. Never outdo your superiors and don’t do anything without their written approval, because there are possibilities for bad consequences.

In general Makara people are highly calculative. You are somewhat selfish and rigid. When you take a decision, even if you know it is wrong, you will not get back. You are very firm and unbending. You will not adjust with the surroundings. You will pretend as if you are cheated but you can never be cheated. Those who think you are a fool will really become fool.

Of course, this is the time for change in profession. But do not leave the job unnecessarily; because it will be difficult to join in any other job after resigning without thinking.

In general Jupiter will give benefits to the houses where it aspects rather than the house where it is. Accordingly the 10th house Jupiter with its holy aspect strengthens your 2nd, 4th and 6 th houses.

Jupiter aspects your 2nd house which represents wealth, speech and family, hence, constructive benefits will be there. The wealth lord aspects your wealth house, hence free cash flow will be there.

Jupiter aspects your 4th house thereby those who are planning for own house will have chance of owning a home. But it is possible only through housing loan, since Jupiter’s aspect will make you a debtor and thereby owning a house.

You will have cordial relationship with maternal relatives. You will be benefitted from them. You may get your mother’s property. You might replace your old vehicle with new one. People who do not own a vehicle will purchase a new one.

Since Jupiter aspects the 4th house, students will study well. They can do their exams well. The hindrance in higher education will be resolved and now they can join higher studies.

Jupiter aspects your 6th house, hence you ought to borrow for business expansion or for some auspicious occasion in the family. To settle the old loan you will avail new loan. You may also get housing loan or personal loan. However, never be trapped into high interest loan as that will surely lead to crisis. There is a possibility for son or daughter’s marriage. You might borrow money and spend for good occasions in the family.

There will be a need for change in house or change in profession. Because of your carelessness your indirect enemies may arise. Your close associates might turn against you and hence be cautious in everything. Be careful with your relatives, because there is a risk for unnecessary argument and small misunderstanding with them.

Property disputes and some litigation may arise. Even house property disputes may lead you to police station and court. Those who are already having court trial and hearing should try to postpone the verdict, because police department and court will not be in favourable position to Makara people.

Because of heavy work load and tiresome touring, health may be affected. 40+ people should go for full medical check-up. Diabetes and BP might be detected. Elders should take care of their health. There is a possibility for amnesia. You might forget the promises you made to somebody and as the consequence problem may arise.

Take care of your children’s health. Never ignore your child’s illness,even if it is minor and get it treated then and there. It is sensible not take part in share market, speculation, race and other gambling. This Jupiter transit will cause you only loss instead of income.

Jupiter is your 3rd house lord and now it is in your 10 th house. Because of that if you pity on anybody and give surety for them that will put you in complications. Hence never be a guarantor for anybody and do not promise anyone for any help. You ought to help your younger sibling and may incur expenditure.

For Makara people Saturn’s 7 and half year period has started and hence don’t be hasty in business matters. Be patient, do not involve in any new trials, do not take any vital decision and do not start any new venture.

For Makara people Saturn is your birth sign lord and hence Saturn will not give you any harmful effect for sure. But still Saturn will help you to lead a comfortable life for next 30 years and hence this 7 and half years clutch may give some negative experience through which you will learn.

Be alert in this period. No new trials now. Don’t do business with capital investment. No business expansion in this period. Do not rely on others, workers or partners fully. You should be alert in every move. Do not believe anybody because there is possibility for stealing your articles. Sometimes you may even miss your belongings because of your carelessness. Be careful when you are handling your things. Whenever you draw cash from bank or in any bulk amount transaction you should be very cautious. Makara people should not take any life changing decisions now.

Pariharam : Since the Saturn’s seven and half year period starts now, you can light til oil lamp at Kalabairavarsannithi in nearby ancient Sivan temple on every Saturday. Since Jupiter is also not in favourable position, on every Thursday Dhakshinamoorthy worship will be better. On Thursdays in Guru hora you shall fall at the feet of elders who are equal to gurus.

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