For those who were born zodiac sign Aquarius (Kumbam) this coming Tamil New
Year is offering you prosperity and financial growth. For the Past two
years these zodiac sign people were not benefitted much will get a sigh of
relief from the beginning of this Tamil New Year due to transit of Dragon's
Head and Dragon's Tail (Rahu and Kethu peyarchi) and the transit of Jupiter
(Guru) which is occurring during September 2017.
Apart from the above two transits the Major Planer Lord Saturn (Sani) is
going to happen during October 2017 and is going to bestow good results
continuously for the period of approximately 3years to Aquarians (Kumbam Rasi).
Hither to people facing difficulties in family dispute, dispute over
property, strained relationship with relatives, Marital relationship
Problem, Marriage is not fixed so far , separation between Husband and wife
will come to an end due to transit of Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail (Rahu
and Kethu) from 7th House. This event will bring benefits, harmonious close
relationship with other religion, with people who speaks other than the
vernacular language, for few people, people from other community like
Christianity, Muslims community will voluntarily come forward to offer
their help and support and for other few people may get prospective bride
or groom from other community, state, country and migrating to other
The transit of Jupiter (Guru) is going to occur during September 2017 will
remove all obstacles in Finance and others and bring financial gain,
prosperity and happiness. You all will get happiness and Peace of Mind from
the Middle of the year.
On 26th October 2017 your sign Lord (Sani) is going to transit and occupy
the gainful place of 11th House. As per the rule of Astrology if Lord
Saturn in the 11th House the native will be prosperous and gain through
financial transactions. The important good fact is that this event is going
to occur only once in 30years, People all along were facing difficult time,
suffering etc. will be retrieved and uplifted when Lord Saturn (sani) moves
to 11th House.
Since all the 3 planetary transit which occurs during this fourth coming
Tamil New year is bringing happiness, prosperity, and over all development,
hence this Tamil New Year is definitely going to be a Turning Point for the
people born on zodiac sign of Aquarius (Kumbam) and help them to proceed
towards abundance of Prosperity.
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