Astrologer Aditya Guruji
Cell : +91 9768 99 8888
Raja Yoga in
Vedic astrology is something special. These Yogas are well explained by Rishis
in a clear form.
We get
confused in segregating the ordinary Yogas and Raja Yogas.
Rishis are
not accountable for this confusion and it is due to our inadequate knowledge.
As per our Rishis concept, if a person has Raja Yoga in his horoscope and if other Darma Karma Athipathi yoga and Pancha Maha Purusha yoga are also there to support the main Raja Yoga, then he is sure to experience Raja Yoga benefits in his life.
Yogas are present in all horoscopes.
first-grade Yoga like Darma Karma Athipathi Yoga in the intact form will be in
a one-in-a-crore person’s horoscope.
Now we can
see one such flawless, clear Raja Yoga horoscope of a person who is still with
Raja Yoga
means a king-style life.
Hence to
explain Raja Yoga, we can see a monarch-style person’s horoscope.
have explained 1000 years back about the Raja Yoga horoscope and how it should
Now we are
going to see exactly one similar horoscope, but the irony is this person is an
atheist and doesn’t believe in astrology.
religions say, either you believe this religion or get out of this.
But only
Hinduism accepts and embraces the people who do not even believe it.
This person
doesn’t believe this Hinduism.
He was born
into a very simple family.
Without any
big family background, owing to his hard work, he has become a king.
Today he has
crossed 90 years (it was written in 2012), and living the fullest life.
Now we are
going to see this legendary political leader, ex-chief minister, whose
horoscope has been analysed from all angles by the different stalwart
Let me
explain from my angle which no one has done so far.
First, let
me describe the specialties of this horoscope briefly, then I will explain in
At the time
of his birth, the planets were widespread in the galaxy.
No planet is
in combustion and no planet is in the inimical house or debilitation. (Rahu,
Ketu’s position is different).
For Sun
Taurus is an inimical house, but Sun is with Powerful Lagna lord, hence dosha
is nullified.
Chara Lagnas are called Raja Lagnas, and of that Cancer Lagna is very
This person
was born in cancer Lagna.
signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Here Cancer
sign is special due to a single Athipathya and for all other signs, there is
yet another malefic Athipathya.
Moon is the
single Athipathya Lagna lord and hence it is a special one.
important Yogas in this horoscope:
1. Lagna
and Lagna lord are powerful
2. Darma
Karma Athipathi Yoga
3. Planet’s
Sashtashtaka Yoga
Friendly planets’ aspect to each other enhances the good benefits
5. Gaja
Kesari Yoga
6. Weakened
Sasa Yoga
7. Ruchaka
As per Jaimini Maharishi’s concept, malefic planets are placed in 3,6,8,12
houses of Patha Lagna.
--9. Planet’
dispositors’ strength Yoga
10. Siva
Raja Yoga
Other than
these, astrologers may pile up many other Yogas.
I like to
tell one thing to my readers:
The Yogas
mentioned in our treatise are found only in some individual charts.
Those Yogas
will not form in other people’s birth charts.
instead of saying some imaginary Yogas, we can see and discuss only the common
Yogas which are found in many people’s birth charts.
Now let
me explain the above Yogas in detail:
1, Lagna and
Lagna lord are powerful:
In any
horoscope to get and experience the Yoga benefits, the Lagna and Lagna lord
should be powerful.
If Lagna
lord is a malefic planet, then should have attained the Sukshuma strength.
If Lagna
lord is weak, any Yoga in the chart becomes useless.
In this
chart, the Lagna lord Moon is a waxing Moon, in Mool Trikona position, combined
with prime luminary Sun, and in Amavasya Yoga.
To get good
benefits in Amavasya Yoga, either the Sun or Moon should be in a powerful
That rule
applies here promptly.
Moon is placed in Moon’s friendly and Lagna Yogathipathi Mars’ nakshatra
It is good
that the Lagna-lord dispositor is powerful.
In any Yoga
chart, either to Lagna or to Lagna lord or Moon sign, a benefic planet’s aspect
or Lagna benefic planet’s aspect will be there.
Lagna and Lagna lord get the aspect of a natural benefic planet as well as
Lagna Yogathipathi Jupiter’s aspect.
Lagna Poorna Yogathipathi Mars is in exaltation and sees the Lagna.
For Cancer
Lagna Jupiter’s Mool Trikona house becomes the
6th house.
Jupiter becomes Dur sthana lord for Kadakam Lagna. But here, Jupiter is in the
12th house of its Mool Trikona house and gets beneficial status.
Besides, a
natural benefic is powerful in the Trikona house. Thus Jupiter’s aspect is
powerful here.
malefic and Ashtamathipathi Saturn’s aspect is there to Lagna.
But it is in
an exaltation-cancelled position (due to its retrogression), and hence its
aspect is not malicious.
Let us
continue the other Yoga effects in the coming chapter.
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